

Community development Project MGN231 - LPU | Summer Mgn Project

Community development Project  MGN231 - LPU | Summer Mgn Project


                    SWACHHH  BHARAT ABHIYAN



                                                     A COMMUNITY  DEVELOPMENT  REPORT



                                                                    Submitted by

                                                     AVINASH CHATURVEDI

                                       Registration No: 11903769

 in partial fulfillment of Project for the award of the degree of

                                                  BACHELOR OF TECHNOLOGY (CSE)  








Phagwara, Punjab







The success and final outcome of this project required a lot of guidance and assistance from many people. All that I have done is only due to such super vision and assistance and I would not forget to thank them.

I respect and thank LOVELY PROFESSIONAL UNIVERSITY, for providing me an opportunity to do the Community Development Project and giving me all support and guidance, which made me complete the project duly. I am extremely thankful to him for providing such a nice support and guidance.


I heartily thank BHARAT RAKSHA DAL for the project that give me lots of motivation and social ethics towards the society this project work.


I would not forget to remember Mr. Harikesh Vikram Srivastava, of BHARAT RAKSHA DALfor their encouragement and more over for their timely support and guidance till the completion of my project work.













                                                                           Chapter  Plan



Introduction to NGO…




About Community of the project….

Objective of CDP…..

Need and scope of the project….

Functional Process…














Introduction to NGO

BHARAT RAKSHA DAL is a visionary non-governmental organization

with the holy mission ‘Clean, Green and Serene Varanasi, Ganga and its

Ghats’, and the ultimate goal of Healthy and Sublime India.

BHARAT RAKSHA DAL (BRD) is a Non-Governmental Organization

(NGO) registered under Trust Act 1882 and Societies Registration Act

1960 for almost two decade, is conducting plethora of programmes

pertaining to the welfare of environment, society and Nation round the

year. Dedicated people from all strata of society academicians, social

activists, artists and journalists are associated with its multidimensional

plans and programmes. BRD is immensely contributing save the cultural

heritage of India and to promote the Spiritual, Cultural and Eco-tourism in

Varanasi through its various socio-cultural and environmental activities

round the year.

Our vision Bharat Raksha Dal is a visionary non-governmental organization

with the holy mission “Clean, Green & Serene Azamgarh, Tamsa river and

its Ghat, and the goal of healthy and sublime India.

Our mission Committed to arouse public consciousness and to create social

awareness towards environmental degradation and pollution with special

emphasis on Tamsa river and its ghat.



About Community Development  Project

I am very happy that I have worked with such a good NGO.I have been

working  there from 6 December 2020 to 5th January 2021.I feel so proud that I

have  given something to my community.

I have played catalyst role from cleaning Ghats of the Tamsa And Motivate

other not to throw anything into the river, over all it was very good



















    Objectives of CDP


1.    To aware the people: The main objective of community development is working to make the people aware the important of the cleanness and preserving the Culture.

2.    All sided development: Community program is interested in the Devotion toward the holy Rive and cleanness toward it.

3.    Change in thinking: One of the objectives of community development programs are changing of pattern and style of community people. It gives new directions to the changing lifestyle. It helps to create the acquaintances among them, to following positive thinking from the people.

4.    Solve community problems: Different problems faced by community people may be solved due to the start of such programs in the affected areas. The community also gives hand to government for help them in development and growth.

5.    To motivate people: Programs are working for the motivation of community people. Social organizers are employed in various sectors for their arousal and working for community welfare and betterment of humanity.










                                     Need and Scope of the Project

I.     Devotion towards the TAMSA river as we know it is treated as the holy river in the India, but people started to treat as the sewage, so it is important to outstand and save the river as well as environment.

II.  Awareness: We aware guardian about our social problems and ensure their help towards community. So, it will help us to save our culture.



















                                               Functional Process

Every evening they start with the cleaning of stairs and the Ghats of the Tamsa and nearby area that shown in below pic.








In my opinion, the pollution crisis in the TAMSA River will never be fully

resolved. Pollutions levels are at such a high amount that it would require an

extreme amount of time and money to properly clean the river in its

entirety. In fact, amounts of pollution will continue to rise as the country

becomes more developed, populations continue rising, and more industries

and factories are placed along the river. If actions are not taken to help control

pollution and to start cleaning up the river, ecosystems, businesses, religious

traditions, and human health will continue to be disrupted. Some lessons to

be learned from this environmental issue are to recognize when a problem

begins to get out of control. It is important to target the main sources of

pollution and enact measures to control them prior to the escalation at which

levels of pollution in the Tamsa River are at now.

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